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​Summer, 2017

​From the Author

"I have written this book out of my passion for workforce planning to help make a highly-involved process easier to understand and execute among workforce planning stakeholders. This book is intended to serve as a resource guide and your roadmap to accomplishing strategic workforce planning in the federal workplace.  I hope you receive as much enjoyment in reading this guide, as I did with writing it"…

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About the Book

​Strategic workforce planning is the cornerstone of business operations. Although the baseline principles for accomplishing workforce planning is similar for both private industries and federal organizations, the processes are dissimilar in application. The primary differences being, private sector organizations are profit driven and federal agencies are appropriation driven as established by the United States Congress. ​

This book focuses on specific workforce planning solutions that highlight baseline workforce planning principles providing recommended strategic workforce planning methodologies, tactics, techniques and best practices that can be applied in a federal workforce and private industry. These recommended solutions are designed to address the complex challenges of a 21st century federal workforce i.e. shrinking federal budgets, emerging technologies, cyber-security, age generation, etc. The guide also serves as a job-aid for federal workforce planners with bridging those workforce knowledge gaps for delivering an end-to-end workforce planning process that can be adopted in their organizations.

Kimbertly A. Jones, MBA, SWP